RHC Workforce Solutions and construction workforce development

RHC Workforce Solutions believes in utilizing workforce development as a method to assist in the gap of recruiting within the construction industry.
Check out this excerpt article on contractors and workforce development..
“Contractors Roll Up their Sleeves on Workforce Development
Article written by LISA KOPOCHINSKI
The construction industry has done a wonderful job over the decades building infrastructure and making tremendous strides in technology. However, just ask anyone in the industry and, more than likely, they will say the number one challenge is attracting young people and skilled workers. Combine this with a low unemployment rate, and the problem is as acute as ever.
Even with a multitude of career opportunities available and lucrative salaries, the industry still suffers from a public relations problem. For instance, high schools across the country tend to have a “college-for-all mentality” and stress attending college over seeking out a career in the trades, even though most will agree that a university education is not necessarily for everyone.
To overcome this challenge, more construction companies are creating and expanding on workforce development programs.”